Senin, 14 Mei 2012

How to compose a photo scene Photography and Digital Camera

Experienced amateur photographers and even professional photographers usually know what to look for when composing a scene for their photo. Over the years, they have developed the skill to see the potential of great pictures around them. In this course, I will provide you a few simple guidelines that will allow you to learn what to look for and how to see beautiful scenes all around you. If you take these guidelines to heart and follow them on every photo you take from now on, chances are, your photos will come out better than you'd expect. Today, you can start developing your artistic skill of seeing and composing a beautiful photo by following 3 simple guidelines.
Tell a story. What is the idea behind your photograph? What kind of story does your photo convey? What is your subject matter or theme?Emphasize your story. Does your photograph focus on your main subject? Does it give importance to the main elements of the story you wanted to convey in your photo?Simplify your scene. Does your photograph include only elements that are necessary to convey your idea or story? Did you remove (or at least minimize) the elements that distracts or elements that does not add to the idea or story?
By following these 3 simple guidelines, you can now look at your surroundings with a new perspective. You can start developing your skill for the artistic side of photography.

For more detail and sample photos, check the full article at How to compose a photograph Develop Photography
How to compose a photo scene

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